A narrative about a man with a prodigious memory who comes up with his own system of numbering...
Stories for 'Number Theory'
Sorted by date of original publication
A murder mystery involving mathematicians, and a discovery of the Fermat's lost theorem.
A short story in which the central characters discuss an infinite set of numbers and their spellings, and how to arrange them in an alphabetical order, and from they infer this how to guess the next number in the alphabetical sequence.
A giggle-worthy drama where the author, a mathematician himself, has shoe-horned the concept of 'Pfister Forms' into 4 scenes of Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet'...
In this story, a mathematician is bemoaning the fact that he is not recognized or appreciated for any of his contributions to calculus or probability. Then, inspired by something his wife said, he instead decides that he might be remembered for something he didn't do. Browsing for ideas, he stumbles upon the Pythagorean Theorem...
A short narrative about the discovery of irrational numbers and various geometric concepts by the ancient Greeks.
A conversation between a mathematician and his precocious daughter about number theory and the importance of proofs.
A young girl discovers an arcane mathematical spell scribbled by her grandfather, which threatens the very existence of the universe.
A clever fictional story about how the mathematician Cantor outwits a dragon that imposes conditions on his ascension to heaven...
A story about the chaos that unfolds when the Euler's Equation stops being true...