First Date of Publication
July, 1964
Original Source
If - Worlds of Science Fiction
Additional Publication Information
Also appeared in "Mathenauts", an anthology of mathfiction edited by Rudy Rucker.
Short Story
Original Language
Kasman Review
Summary: A short story where a mathenaut who is a topologist, describes his fifth trip aboard the spaceship Abrecht Dold, under the Private Enterprises Act. The spaceship's crew, comprises of eccentric individuals like a physicist, a pataphysicist and a meta-mathematician. The protagonist struggles with a malfunction in the ship’s systems, leading to a tense situation as the walls of the ship begin to close in. The story reflects the challenges and peculiarities of space travel in a mathematical context. The diverse backgrounds of the crew members illustrate the importance of collaboration across different scientific disciplines in achieving complex goals.
Story Tag Line: Coming soon.
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