Fourth Dimensional Mixup

Leslie Croutch | published Mar, 1942

added Jun 6, 2024
cover Image
First Date of Publication
Mar, 1942
Original Source
Short Story
Original Language
Kasman Review
Not in Kasman Database
Not in ISFDB
Summary: A fourth dimensional adventure using loops of time…

Story Tag Line: “By using the fourth dimension, I can go into the past, or ahead into the future with this specially equipped automobile!”


  • Vijay Fafat
    Published on

    Another story which plays on one person zig-zagging back and forth through time - treated as the fourth dimension - to create a complicated storyline supposed to engender comedy, astonishment and a logical conundrum. I suppose it was okay for 1942, when such yarns may not have been as common.

    “Uncle Nat” is an unscrupulous mathematician who has built a time car which can go back and forth in time since - as H G Wells had explained - is “the fourth dimension”. Uncle explains this geometrically to his nephew, Garth, complete with a wire-frame model of a tesseract. All of this is hand-waving hogwash even if standard geometry, because the narrative from there switches deus ex machine to speak of time as the fourth dimension and we are off to a breathless story about self-consistent time-loops not worth the bother. Why a genius who can invent time travel has to rely on such a hare-brained plan to steal bonds from a banker and try to get his nephew framed for the crime is a question best left unasked.