Few Lady Mathematicians

Linn Charles | published 1971

added Dec 1, 2024
cover Image
First Date of Publication
Original Source
Odd Angles - Thirty Three Matyhematical Entertainments
Short Story
Original Language
Kasman Review
Not in Kasman Database
Not in ISFDB
Summary: The text discusses the historical scarcity of female mathematicians, suggesting that societal traditions and gender biases may stem from ancient times. And this is highlighted through the humorous diary which is a fictional excerpt by Zoe, a young girl in ancient Greece who is taught by Plato. It highlights the challenges she faced due to Plato’s rigid views on gender roles in education. The narrative reflects on how these antiquated beliefs regarding traditional gender roles have formed negative perceptions about women being less capable in mathematics thus historically limiting their participation. It suggests that changing these perceptions requires addressing long-standing educational and cultural biases.

Story Tag Line: Coming soon.


No reviews available.