A Problem of Numbers (As Chemist to Chemist)

Isaac Asimov | published May, 1970

added Aug 24, 2024
cover Image
First Date of Publication
May, 1970
Original Source
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
Short Story
Original Language
Kasman Review
Not in Kasman Database
Summary: A grad student is asked to solve a math puzzle by his professor in order to win his daughter’s hand in marriage.

Story Tag Line: “You mean you want me to solve a cryptogram and if I do, then you’ll approve the marriage?”


  • Vijay Fafat
    Published on

    Prof. Neddring’s Ph.D. student, Hal Kemp, is in love with his daughter and wishes to marry her. Prof. Neddring likes him but wants him to solve a puzzle right then and there before he acquiesces. So he writes down a 20-digit number - “69663717263376833047” - and asks him to decrypt it “on the spot”. Which Hal does through a very circuitous reasoning and in the end, admits that he sort of knew the answer before-hand… One of the many flimsy affairs Asimov wrote.